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شرح الربح من برنامج rev |
شرح موقع Rev
كما تحدثنا في المقال السابق عن طريقه من طرق الربح من الانترنت وهي التفريغ الصوتي وقد قمنا بشرح برنامج transcript me وكيفيه اجتياز اختبار القبول والانضمام للشركه .
في هذا المقال نتحدث عن ثاني موثع من واقع الربح عن طريق التفريغ الصوتي وهو برنامج Rev ويعد من افضل برامج الربح من التفريغ الصوتي بسبب كبر العائد المادي منه عن باقي البرامج حيث ممكن ان يصل الي اكثر من 50$ للمقطع الصوتي الواحد .
ولمن لا يعلم التفريغ الصوتي فهو عباره عن مقطع صوت اوفديو تسمعه او تشاهده وتقوم بكتابه كل ما فيه وارساله الي البرنامج ولا يحتاج الربح من التفريغ الصوتي الي اي خبره كل ما عليك ان تكون عليم باحدي اللغات ايا كانت وتقدر علي الكتابه وستاتي الخبره مع الوقت .
ولكن لكي تنضم الي هذه الشركه او الموقع كالعاده عليك اجتياز العديد من الاختبارات الصعبه وساترك لك الاجابه عزيزي في الاسفل فلا تقلق .
كل ما عليك هو ان تقوم بعد ه خطوات بسيطه :
- تسجيل الدخول عن طريق ايميل جوجل وتاكيد الايميل
- اضافه طريقه للدفع وهذا الموقع يدعم الدفع بطريقه paypal
- القيام بالاستعداد للاختبار بمراجعه الملفات التي تعطي لك
- القيام بالاختبار ومحاوله اجتيازه
- عند الاجتياز تنتظرالتاكيد ثم تبدا العمل
يمكنك الحصول علي عائد مادي يصل الي 30$ ببمقطع الصوتي الواحد ومع الوقت يزداد العائد المادي وتزداد الخبره .
اجابات اختبار برنامج Rev
اختبار Rev من اصعب اختبارات التفريغ الصوتي التي يمكن ان تقوم بها وهذا بسبب العائد المادي الكبير للبرنامج فهنالك عليه طلب كتير لذلك يضع اختبارات صعبه لقبول عدد قليل من الناس ولكن ان اجتازت هذا الاختبار فسيوف تكسب العديد من الاموال والخبره ايضا في اللغه التي تختار العمل بها .
Short Question:-
I ______ gotten to the hotel two hours ago, but my flight was delayed.
should have
Since the rise of his designs, Frank Lloyd Wright _______ an icon of modern architecture.
The teacher tells her students, who promise they ______ quietly for three hours, that she won't give extra assignments.
would study
Even though Kenny was a great roommate, John hated ________ in the shower.
his singing
My cousins live in New York City. They ___ really cool!
How old ___ you?
During the 19th century, Charles Dickens ______ one of the most famous British novelists.
After a period of growth, my restaurant needed more _____ to continue expanding.
Her nervousness had a profound ______ on her ability to play the piano. It _______ me too.
effect / affected
How much is the _____ on that loan?
Grilled cheese is the perfect ________ to my tomato soup.
Dr. Lewis and ___ walked to the gym.
I gave ___ plenty of time to get to the party.
My interest was ______ when I found out he was a ______ chess player
piqued / world-class
Todd is a very good student, isn't ___?
Too busy for her own good, Sarah _______ about drinking enough water.
was negligent
The secretary apologized to the prime minister ________ late to the meeting.
for being
I went to visit my friend and ____ her baby very carefully because she was a tiny baby.
Peter didn't know ___ was his.
She received a B on her English paper because she forgot to ________ her sources.
When I was young, I always took my teachers for ______.
___ car is blue.
Jeremy and Jack took their bikes with ___.
The ____ could not hold back the flood.
I hosted a birthday party last Sunday and the guests ______ havoc on my house!
Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
On March 21, 1985, our community held its bicentennial.
Which sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated?
She'll never get her own room if she can't keep it clean.
Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
I have shopped for clothes from old navy on the store's website.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
My favorite stores are Bloomingdale's and Macy's. My sister only shops at Nordstrom.
Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
On a cloudless night, I studied Pisces, a constellation in the North sky.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
Those people look very confused.
Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
I have taken notes on your book; however, I still have questions.
Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
On March 21, 1985, our community held its bicentennial
Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
Carlotta and I love Halloween.
Which sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated?
When you are done eating, clear your place.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
Those people look very confused.
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